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Rita për Wonderland: Doja të vdisja

Këngëtarja shqiptare, Rita Ora, ka rrëfyer për revistën Wonderland se ajo mbeti zemërthyer nga ndarja me Calvin Harris.

Këngëtarja shqiptare tha se “në atë kohë thjesht doja të zvarritesha në krevatin tim dhe të vdisja”.

“Por ia dola, mbijetova,” theksoi ajo.

Ndërkohë 24-vjeçarja vjen me disa poza të nxehta për revistën.

‘I kind of saw the light at the end of the tunnel': The X Factor judge worked with her former beau on her upcoming second album, which is slated for a New year releasePreened to perfection: The songstress cuts a flawless figure on the front cover of the magazine, posing in a black lacy bralet with a ruffled yellow camisole tumbling off one shoulderHot talent: The British songstress' hit track I Will Never Let You Down was written and produced by 31-year-old Harris and released in March 2014, going straight to the number one spot in the UK singles chart

Her past: Rita experienced the ultimate heartbreak last year when Calvin Harris suddenly ended their one-year relationship   

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