Lajmet e fundit

Ja modelja që do pozojë nudo e fundit për Playboy (Foto)

Pas lajmërimit të revistës Playboy se nuk do botojë më femra nudo, është mësuar se cila do jetë modelja që do pozojë për herë të fundit për revistën duke treguar hiret ashtu siç e ka lindur nëna.

Ajo është modelja Kristy Garett, 26 vjeç.


Garett, a 25-year-old model born in the country of Georgia and raised in southern Russia, is Playboy's newest Playmate of the MonthGarett appears in the January/February 2016 double issue which will be Playboy's last nude versionGarett will be the last playmate to appear nude in Playboy's centerfold before the magazine's complete redesign come March. She is pictured above in an Instagram snapPlayboy says Garett can speak six languages and is one of the more 'worldly' models to appear in its pagesGarett will have a 12-page spread in the special January/February 2016 issue on sale next weekThe very first issue of Playboy, in December 1953, which featured a beaming Marilyn Monroe on the cover

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