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Amber Rose me të pasme fallco (FOTO)

Amber Rose ka zmadhuar edhe më shumë të pasmet e saj në një veshje që i ndihmon të arrijë këtë.

Për t’u takuar me babain e fëmijës së saj, Amber Rose është munduar të shfaqet më seksi se zakonisht.

Por, është vërejtur se ajo ka veshur një palë mbathje që i ka fryrë edhe më shumë të pasmet, ndërsa veshja e ngushtë ‘e ka tradhëtuar’ atë duke e zbuluar këtë trik.

Rear-ly going for it: Amber Rose sported tight leggings, which revealed suspicious lines indicating she was wearing some booty boosting pads, as she took her son Sebastian to a Los Angeles park on Wednesday She really doesn't need the help: Oddly enough, as Amber is a proud exhibitionist there has never been any indication that she would need extra help in the curves department Kisses for baby: That same day Amber and her ex were seen taking their two-year-old son Sebastian to the park Just booty-ful: The star has made a career off of her incredible hourglass figure Pay close attention: The model and dancer looked to be engrossed in her phone Wonderful assets: The 32-year-old has made quite the career out of dancing and modelingWaiting for baby: Amber looked every inch the proud mother

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