Lajmet e fundit

E dashura superseksi e Leo DiCaprio-s

Së fundmi ata janë parë shumë të lidhur bashkë, çka ka shtuar spekulimet se Leo DiCaprio po i jep fund beqarisë.

Megjithatë ende asgjë nuk dihet.

Ajo që dimë është se e dashura e radhës së tij, supermodelja Kelly Rohrbach është një femër me trup të shkëlqyer.

25-vjeçarja u fotografua në LA në një event.


Picture-perfect: The naturally beautiful star wore a light layer of make-up and had her long golden locks loosely tousled with the front section coiffed into a quiff as she flew solo to the 'Celebration of an Icon' Global EventStanding tall: The 25-year-old cut a statuesque figure in the clingy two-tone midi dress which she teamed with a pair of classic strappy stilettosCalifornia girl: The one-time Two and a Half Men star sported a healthy all-over Californian glow which only served to accentuate her slender shape

No wonder she's smiling: The university graduate has every reason to be happy as her relationship with Leonardo, 40, is going from strength to strength. She was pictured spending time with his family at the weekend   

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