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Mrekullia e shpellës së akullt në Islandë që ndryshon pamje brenda ditës!

Nëse ju ndiheni pak të dehur gjatë ditës së sotme atëherë këto fotografi mund të të ndihmojnë të ndiheni më të qetësuar për të vërejtur edhe në largësi mrekullitë natyrore.

Është Helen Bjorsdottir e cila jeton në Rejkjavit të Islandës që e kalon jetën e saj e mbërthyer në një shpellë e që e cila aspak nuk e shqetëson përkundrazi ajo adhuron një jetë të tillë, transmeton Klan Kosova.

Ajo është profesionale e cila punon si eksperte e shpellave të akullta, që vlerëson dhe analizon sigurinë e shpellave mahnitëse të Islandës para se të vijë ndonjë turistë brenda tyre.

Helen është gjithashtu një fotografe e mahnitshme e që së fundmi ka lëshuar për publikun në mbarë botën një sërë imazhesh të mrekullueshme të vendit të saj ku vet ajo punon, transmeton Klan Kosova.

Sipas Helen këto shpella asnjëherë nuk kanë pamjen e njejtë të paktën për 2 ditë rresht ato gjithnjë pësojnë ndryshime.

PIC FROM HELEN BJOORNSDOTTIR / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The incredible stunning ice caves ) - Its a cave new world! One of Icelands leading ice cave guides has released a series of stunning images revealing the incredible changing landscapes of one of the worlds most beautiful countries. Helen Bjrnsdttir works as an ice cave expert - assessing the safety of the caves before leading tourists inside - but also takes photographs herself. Now, she has released these images of the caves - that never look the same two days in a row. Helen, who is from Reykjavik, said: What attracts me to ice caves are how unique they are, the feeling to enter the glacier and being surrounded by the glacier ice is an amazing feeling. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM HELEN BJOORNSDOTTIR / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The incredible stunning ice caves ) - Its a cave new world! One of Icelands leading ice cave guides has released a series of stunning images revealing the incredible changing landscapes of one of the worlds most beautiful countries. Helen Bjrnsdttir works as an ice cave expert - assessing the safety of the caves before leading tourists inside - but also takes photographs herself. Now, she has released these images of the caves - that never look the same two days in a row. Helen, who is from Reykjavik, said: What attracts me to ice caves are how unique they are, the feeling to enter the glacier and being surrounded by the glacier ice is an amazing feeling. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM HELEN BJOORNSDOTTIR / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The incredible stunning ice caves ) - Its a cave new world! One of Icelands leading ice cave guides has released a series of stunning images revealing the incredible changing landscapes of one of the worlds most beautiful countries. Helen Bjrnsdttir works as an ice cave expert - assessing the safety of the caves before leading tourists inside - but also takes photographs herself. Now, she has released these images of the caves - that never look the same two days in a row. Helen, who is from Reykjavik, said: What attracts me to ice caves are how unique they are, the feeling to enter the glacier and being surrounded by the glacier ice is an amazing feeling. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM HELEN BJOORNSDOTTIR / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The incredible stunning ice caves ) - Its a cave new world! One of Icelands leading ice cave guides has released a series of stunning images revealing the incredible changing landscapes of one of the worlds most beautiful countries. Helen Bjrnsdttir works as an ice cave expert - assessing the safety of the caves before leading tourists inside - but also takes photographs herself. Now, she has released these images of the caves - that never look the same two days in a row. Helen, who is from Reykjavik, said: What attracts me to ice caves are how unique they are, the feeling to enter the glacier and being surrounded by the glacier ice is an amazing feeling. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM HELEN BJOORNSDOTTIR / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The incredible stunning ice caves ) - Its a cave new world! One of Icelands leading ice cave guides has released a series of stunning images revealing the incredible changing landscapes of one of the worlds most beautiful countries. Helen Bjrnsdttir works as an ice cave expert - assessing the safety of the caves before leading tourists inside - but also takes photographs herself. Now, she has released these images of the caves - that never look the same two days in a row. Helen, who is from Reykjavik, said: What attracts me to ice caves are how unique they are, the feeling to enter the glacier and being surrounded by the glacier ice is an amazing feeling. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM HELEN BJOORNSDOTTIR / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The incredible stunning ice caves ) - Its a cave new world! One of Icelands leading ice cave guides has released a series of stunning images revealing the incredible changing landscapes of one of the worlds most beautiful countries. Helen Bjrnsdttir works as an ice cave expert - assessing the safety of the caves before leading tourists inside - but also takes photographs herself. Now, she has released these images of the caves - that never look the same two days in a row. Helen, who is from Reykjavik, said: What attracts me to ice caves are how unique they are, the feeling to enter the glacier and being surrounded by the glacier ice is an amazing feeling. SEE CATERS COPY.

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