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Vicky vjen me një set fotosh seksi në plazh

Para se të shkojë në xhungël, për t’u bërë pjesë e “I’m A Celebrity”, është koha që Vicky Pattinson të shijojë plazhet e Australisë.

28-vjeçarja tregoi format e saj seksi, në një moment alla ‘Baywatch’.


Flaunting her figure: Hitting the beach before her arrival in the Jungle, the former Geordie Shore star, 28, showcased her curves and lean figure in skimpy gold two-piece.A change of scenery: Frolicking in the surf on the Australian coast, Vicky looked delighted to have escaped the cooler - and much wetter -climes of NewcastleFlashing the flesh: Slipping into a tiny blinged-up bikini, the raven haired reality star flaunted her lean figure and her ample assets as she paddled through the surf.Taut and toned: Showcasing her healthy post Geordie Shore mentality, Vicky drew particular attention to her flat stomach and lithe legs thanks to the eye-catching chain design of her low-cut bottomsWhere's the red swimsuit? Stripping down to just her bikini in the sun Down Under, Vicky channelled a Bay Watch babe vibe by wearing her dark locks loose - allowing them to fly out behind in a Pamela Anderson way

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